From the good, the bad and well, everything in between, is what you’ll find in our ‘behind the scenes’ section of our blog and what a better way to start it than to introduce ourselves.
The founders are myself (Amy) and Steven, a couple that dared to start multiple businesses together… Crazy right?
We launched DOXI. only recently in June this year, after growing our cocktail deliveries from our other company, The Globe Trotter Bars. This is our mobile bar that we have been growing since 2018.
When 2020 hit, all our events had been cancelled within just two days, so we had to think of a way to get our business to survive throughout the year. So, we came up with a cocktail delivery service, offering door to door drops of bottled cocktails that everyone could shake up and enjoy at home, when bars and pubs weren’t open.
While we thought this would be just a temporary thing for us to get us through, we soon found that even when bars were opening back up, our deliveries seemed to never stop.
Well, fast forward two years later and it’s still growing, more than we could have ever thought and with our mobile bar being busier than ever, we needed to re-think our business plan.
Enter, DOXI…
DOXI. has been carefully curated to offer an easy, memorable and simple bar experience in your own home. We wanted DOXI. to be simple from the get go, from the new branding to the cocktails to the at home recreations.
We have spent the last couple of years testing out new cocktails, playing around with flavours and nailing down on a menu that would appeal to everyone, whilst also trying to set ourselves apart from the other amazing bottled cocktails that are now available out there.
And what sets us apart we hear you ask?
Well, we’ve been working hard to create as much as we possibly can ourselves for each of our bottles, with the aim to make up all the Liqueurs, Juices and Syrups for each of our bottles, all in our own kitchen.
We want to do this because we care about what goes into our bottles and we love being able to tell you exactly what is in each bottle and even how it’s been created. We get to have more freedom with flavours and exactly how we want something to taste.
We’re also keen to use less waste as our businesses grow. Working on our mobile bar, we have seen too many times just how much fresh produce goes to waste and this is something we are really keen to change. So, for our bottles we try to reuse as many ingredients as we can, for example:
Our banana juice used on our bar is made from freshly blended bananas, which have been skilfully drained from their juice (have you ever tried juicing a banana) the skins and remaining pulp from these bananas then goes into our homemade banana liqueur. Once this is all ready to go, we then compost the remains into our allotment.
Our allotment is a recent goal of ours, where we hope to grow our own seasonal fruit and veg and use these homegrown goods for our bottled cocktails.
So, that’s why we’re just a little different to the rest. We’ve been taking extra time to make our cocktails just that little bit personable.
Keep an eye out on our blog for our behind the scenes secrets and cocktail tips and tricks.